Wednesday, May 23

Baking with my Brother

After receiving an email from my brother with the following subject:

"Subject: Bread receipt that I want to make "

I knew I was going to be in for a good time! 

My brother saw this recipe on the Saveur website and immediately wanted to make it. So with the weekend coming up we quickly made plans for this four-hour baguette - knowing it'd take us much longer! Here is the great recipe that I highly recommend and make sure you have plenty of things to do in-between all the rising!  

Here is the dough in the midst of rising. 

The dough is separated ready to rise on the pain. 

The dough has risen, the two to the left rose together, a little separation was needed. 

All Baked! 

All cooled - ready for eating!

The bread was amazing!! We ate one baguette that evening then we each took one for ourselves - mine did not last long. This was an incredibly easy recipe - but - very time consuming! Start time: 2:30 Ended: 9:30 Total: 6 Hours! 

If everything else was store bought for the evening - this bread is a must!!

Happy Baking!

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