Friday, June 29

Fashion Friday // Warm and Cool Colors

Warm and Cool Colors

No. 1  //  No. 2  //  No. 3  //  No. 4  //  No. 5  //  No. 6  //  No. 7  //  No. 8

Handbags are one of my great loves. From an early age, I learned about the techniques of Coco Chanel and Louis Vuitton. There is something to learning about their techniques that allows a learner to fully understand what being a classic means. 

The definition of classic from
1. of the first of highest quality, class, or rank: a classic piece of work.
2. serving as the standard, model or guide: the classic method of teaching arithmetic.
3. of or pertaining to Green and Roman antiquity, especially with reference to literature and art.
4. modeled upon or imitating the style or thought of ancient Green and Rome.

There is nothing better than a diversified handbag collection. I believe by having an assortment of handbags ranging from clutches to totes will allow any outfit travel from day to night. I do not recommend having all your handbags from a specific designer/shop/store. 

The definition of diversify from
1. to make diverse, as in form or character; give variety or diversity to; variegate.
2. to invest in different types of (securities, industries, etc.).
3. to produce different types of (manufactured products, crops, etc.).

While I have been subject to purchasing "trendy" handbags and quickly reminding myself that the classics will be what will last the generations. This summer with the great splash of color we are finding everywhere in fashion I put together of a few of my favorite handbags in an assortment of warm and cool colors. 

The definition of trendy from
1. of, in or pertaining to the latest trend or style.
2. following the latest trends or fashions; up-to-date or chic: the trendy young generation.
3. appealing to faddish taste:  a trendy hotel.

Happy Fashion Friday!

Thursday, June 28

Teddy Roosevelt and Teddy Bears

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Photo Source

Even after reading and re-reading the history of the teddy bear, I find the fact the modern teddy bear is named after Teddy Roosevelt, fascinating. Prior to being called a teddy bears, they were just toy bears or stuffed bears. Keeping it short this week... here is the political cartoon that set off the change of this children's toy into a world-wide phenomenon of the Teddy Bear. There are many websites available to read up on the history of the Teddy Bear. Here are a two websites I read through: 

Political Cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt Bear Hunting, Source
Happy Teddy Bears! 

Wednesday, June 27

JKF Quote and Accents

During a preview of my lovely Roku (again, thank you J&J) to my Aunt and Uncle we watched The Lost Kennedy Home Movies. First off, what has happened to accents across America?! I find the accents of the Kennedy family incredibly intriguing... where do I sign up? As a Southern, I had quite the Southern accent until college when I was collided with the West Coast Chic and Humble Mid-Western Americans. This is where I would love to insert some funky, cool equation for what my accent has become since living in Texas. 

(Mid-Western Parents) + Southern Upbring = Southern Kady 

Southern Kady x (West Coast Chic/Humble Mid-Westerns) = Humble Southern Chic Kady (wishing for all the best of both worlds here!)

Humble Southern Chic Kady x Texas Twang = Humble Southern Chic Kady with a Twang

Haha... work with me here... just having some fun! 

Back to the Kennedy Family... the movie was fun to watch. The movie made me want to have more home videos - however - I do not expect mine to air on History Channel at anytime in the future. I want to end with this quote from John Fitzgerald Kennedy, because every time I read it I can hear his voice and now, picture the home videos from time spent at Cape Cod. 

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 26

Jefferson's Ten Rules

Thomas Jefferson, by Rembrandt Peale, 1800 - Source: White House Historical Association

The posts this week will be simple and to the point. 
Today, I want to share some "rules" from none other than the author of the Declaration of Independence and our third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. I have these rules posted next to my desk in order to constantly remind myself of number one. 

Jefferson's Ten Rules

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 

Never trouble another for what you can do yourself.

Never spend money before you have earned it. 

Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap.

Pride cost more than hunger, thirst and cold.

We seldom repent of having eaten too little.

Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.

How much pain the evils cost us that never happened.

Take things away by the smooth handle.

When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred. 

-Thomas Jefferson

Happy Ruling! 

Monday, June 25

Friday, June 22

Fashion Friday // Watch Out

Watch Out!!

I am in love with my current watch, an Orvis automatic watch with a blue face and brown leather straps. My favorite part is that the watch is automatic and does not need a battery - so cool! Some downsides to an automatic watch is if it is not moving it will stop working and for whatever reason my tends to move a little fast. 

I put together a collection of similar leather watches to "watch out" for out and about. What I found very interesting is all the watches all stopped at 10:10 - odd! After a little research this is what I found on the Internet. 

"Question: When you see an ad with a clock in it the hands are always positioned at 10:10?

Answer: We called Timex for your answer and it says the hands on the clock are placed at 
ten-ten because it's a creative standard industry.

Timex says the hands on the timepieces are place at ten-ten so the company logo on the
face will be framed and not blocked by the hands. 

Timex says the industry standard used to be eight-twenty but that looks too much like a frown and created an unhappy look. 

Timex says in its ads, the clock hands are placed at ten-nine and thirty-six seconds, 

Happy Watching! 

Thursday, June 21

To-Do List // Follow Up

All day yesterday, I was thinking of my to do list and the fact that I HAD to get it all finished for my readers. I got almost everything done. I cut all the fabric and other items needed for the collars - just need to do the actual manufacturing. I hope this gives you inspiration for getting everything finished on your to-do case!  
  • Organization
    • Clean/Organize Pantry
      • Throw away any expired foods
      • Clean shelves
    • Clear Kitchen Counter and make sure everything is put away properly
    • Put Away Suitcase
    • Put Grocery Bags back into the car
  • Cleaning
    • Clean out Refrigerator
    • Vacuum/Clean ALL Floors
    • Change Air Filter
    • Change Sheets, Make Bed
  • Caring for Dixie
    • Walk Dixie by 8:30 am - 30 minute walk
    • Walk Dixie by 12 pm - 30 minute walk - It was 106 degrees outside, we took a quick around the block walk.
    • Feed Dixie at 4:30
    • Walk Dixie/Possible Park by 6:30
    • Dixie has her own bell she rings when she wants to go out... I'll be taking her out all those times, too!! 
  • Miscellaneous
    • Sew 4 collars for Dixie Goods Inventory
    • Prepare for Thursday Meeting at KTBD (Paperwork, Scrubs, Notebook)

Happy To-Doing! 

Wednesday, June 20

To Do List

As I say a lot on my blog, I am lucky enough... as for today I am lucky enough to have a few more days of summer before I start my summer job. Since tomorrow is the last "official" day of summer for me I want it to be productive. My productivity as of late has been running around zero. Tomorrow I need to have a productive day in the following categories: Organization, Exercising, Cleaning, Caring for Dixie and Catching up on the Miscellaneous. To kick start it for me I am going to blog my to do list in order to really motivate me to get it finished! Keep my accountable my readers... I hope this helps turn your procrastination (that is what mine really is) into productivity. 

  • Organization
    • Clean/Organize Pantry
      • Throw away any expired foods
      • Clean shelves
    • Clear Kitchen Counter and make sure everything is put away properly
    • Put Away Suitcase
    • Put Grocery Bags back into the car
  • Cleaning
    • Clean out Refrigerator
    • Vacuum/Clean ALL Floors
    • Change Air Filter
    • Change Sheets, Make Bed
  • Caring for Dixie
    • Walk Dixie by 8:30 am - 30 minute walk
    • Walk Dixie by 12 pm - 30 minute walk
    • Feed Dixie at 4:30
    • Walk Dixie/Possible Park by 6:30
    • Dixie has her own bell she rings when she wants to go out... I'll be taking her out all those times, too!! 
  • Miscellaneous
    • Sew 4 collars for Dixie Goods Inventory
    • Prepare for Thursday Meeting at KTBD (Paperwork, Scrubs, Notebook)
Happy To-Doing! 

Tuesday, June 19

29 List // Being Spontaneous

Last night, I had the company of spending a fun evening with new friends up top an Uptown high-rise... however with high winds we took the party downstairs to the lower courtyard - but that did not stop the party. I have come to find that we find friends everywhere we go and I am lucky enough to have a reason to get out of the house, Dixie. At the dog park, I was invited to a dinner and well... with a local chef preparing the meal for the groupwho could say no?! 

With this post I want to encourage everyone to go outside their comfort zone and meet someone new... you never know when that person will be inviting you a great dinner! I look forward to being spontaneous more in the future! 

Happy Spontaneity! 

Monday, June 18

Friday, June 15

Fashion Friday // Nike Path Stylish

Nike Path Style

As summer is progressing so is the heat and the need to exercise. Although one never really wants to have both of those at the same time (heat + exercise = misery) it is a must on many different levels. What levels you ask? Well... mentally and physically to name just two. After exercising 3-4 days in a row I start to feel on top of the world! As Gretchin Rubin, from the book The Happiness Project, states, " Never skip exercising for two days in a row. You can skip a day, but the next day, you must exercise, no matter how inconvenient." I agree ten-folds to that motto!  Additionally, who said you cannot be stylish while exercising? Thank goodness for all the wonderful companies out there who are making exercising clothing bright and cheerful! These are some of my favorite places to find stylish exercising clothes:

Happy Exercising!

Thursday, June 14

29 List // June Floral Arrangement

I returned from my trip to the farm with a bag full of wheat. I sent a large sum off to my Floridian friend and keep a small handful for myself. I wanted to have a different arrangement for June - bottom-line - not flowers. Do you have any ideas for arrangements not made of flowers? 

At the Swoon Event, in March, I saw these "floral arrangements" made of buttons and felt. 

RBK Creations has fun button and felt floral arrangements available on her Etsy Site.

Happy Arranging! 

Tuesday, June 12

29 List // That's All She Wrote

Well, it is time to say farewell to Murder, She Wrote. I have finished every last episode and frankly I do not consider myself a better detective for it. The episodes were fun, entertaining and well quality. Another item finished with my 29 List. 

Happy Watching! 

Monday, June 11

Meet & Sniff Monday // Meet Dixie

As my dog collars are taking off, I wanted to take the time on Mondays to share some of the fashionable dogs in the area sporting on the Dixie Goods Co. collars. This will be a weekly post, so get your dogs bathed, groomed, collar on and ready to answer the hard hitting questions only a Monday can bring! Dixie was excited to volunteer to be the first Meet & Sniff Dog of the Week. 

Happy Meeting! 

Friday, June 8

Fashion Friday // Classic Miss Day

Classic Miss Day
Lipstick  //  Dress  //  Flats  //  Tote

If you were not able to catch Zooey Deschanel's new show on Fox, New Girl, then mark your calendars for the fall season opener, September-ish 2012. This show had me laughing non-stop for approximately 24 minutes every Tuesday night! I have found that not only girls find it humorous... the guys are enjoying this show too! Yay for Fox! 

Zooey Deschanel has impeccable style and a distinctive voice. From her red carpet worthy dresses to her wonderful closet shown to commercial watchers across America thanks to Cotton, the Fabric of Our Lives

Zooey is also in a band with Matt Ward, She & Him. Their music is unique and fun... I would definitely give it 5 stars! 

My Top 3 Songs: 

Happy Fashion Friday,

Thursday, June 7

Reader's Block

I wanted to share all the books I am currently reading in order to help motivate me to get some of these books finished! I am well on my way to completing 28 books and here are some of the books that will someday make the jump from this post to the "28 Books" page.

Please keep in mind as I am in no way a book critic or an editor. My thoughts on the reasons why I am having "reader's block" are just that, my thoughts. 

Loving Frank By: Nancy Horn

This book has become a struggle for me to continue reading. I just want to know what happens. Mamah is indecisive and she needs to make up her mind.

On Folly Beach By: Karen White 

Supposedly I am on page 90 - I cannot tell you one thing about this book. 
I will be re-reading pages 1-90. 

The Girl Who Played With Fire By: Stieg Larsson

I am having no problem reading this book. I try to limit myself a chapter or two a time (well, a day or set of days at a time). I am thoroughly looking forward to completing this book. 

Mockingjay By: Suzanne Collins

This is another book I have no problem finishing with the exception of one thing - I am borrowing this book from a friend. I know, no problem, right? The book is in LARGE PRINT and I am having a difficult time reading such large font. Believe me, I am grateful to be able to borrow this book from a friend. 

The Happiness Project By: Gretchen Rubin

I feel like I am reading a personal email from a friend with this book. I started to set this book down more when I had more interesting reads. I love the concept - the concept is understood in the first 100 pages though. 

Happy Reading,

Wednesday, June 6

Dog Mannequins

I laugh every time I read the post title - it's hysterical. With all of the dog collars I have been making recently it is only preparing me to complete the number one item on my "29 List" - "Sell my Dog Collars at a Craft Market or Etsy". I find myself laughing again about the post title... dog mannequins. In all seriousness, it has come time when I want to start thinking about selling my collars at a craft fair. I started the search for dog mannequins (laughing again). I had to share with all my readers the types and varieties of dog mannequins out there. P.S. I will forever know how to spell mannequins because of this post. (laughing again)

Eero Aarnio: Aarnio Puppy Abstract Dog
This is actually a child's chair. 



East Side Collection


Happy Internet Searching, 

Tuesday, June 5

The Business of Thanks

Growing up my favorite thing was handwritten mail that I received from friends and family. I often wrote back and forth with many friends around the country. With the invention of "e-mail" I find less and less handwritten mail and more and more junk mail! To jump up on my soap box for just a second a handwritten thank you note is a must. If a great friend of mine with 1-year old twins always writes handwritten thank you cards which I treasure - I am truly amazed with her ability to really do it all! If she can do it, there is no reason I cannot! 

I reached out to Emily Post for her etiquette on thank you notes to share with you today.

The Business of Thanks

A thank-you should always be offered. The method of thanking can be a note, face-to-face, phone, or email.
First time meetings, especially at a lunch or dinner, usually call for a handwritten note, unless you know the person from an email culture. When in doubt, choose the note. A prompt, sincere, handwritten one is always appropriate and is greatly appreciated by the recipient. It's also good business. Be sure to check spelling and grammar. If your handwriting is illegible, a printed note on your business stationery is fine.
An emailed thank-you may be appropriate, depending on the circumstances, the person, and your relationship. Again, defer to the handwritten note if you're in doubt. 

Do you need help finding thank you cards? 
Here are some of my favorites and their sources:

Happy Thanking,
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